

Upon presentation of a current valid Paine Identification card with a barcode, full borrowing and other library privileges are extended to all faculty, staff, and students at Paine College. Checkout privileges are suspended if a user has Library obligations (fines, overdues, lost items, fees). Library fees may be paid at the Business Office to clear the record. Privileges are reinstated as soon as the record is clear.



The Circulation Desk is located on the first floor and is the central point of service for many library activities. Contact: Circulation Desk at 706 821 8308.

Ask Reference

Ask Reference Form

We provide assistance and instruction for the Library and Learning Resources Center (LRC) services and resources.


Materials may be checked out at the first floor Circulation Desk. Books circulate to students for 21 days and may be renewed two times. Faculty may check out books for a semester. Audiovisuals may check out for 3 days. Reference books and periodicals are for library use only.

Rerserves Request
Reserves Request Form
Materials are placed on reserve by an instructor for a specific course and are held behind the first floor Circulation Desk. Materials can either be owned by instructor or the library. A new form is required for each semester. Checkout period is determined by the instructor and most items are for library use only. A valid Paine College ID must be left at the Circulation Desk when a reserve item is checked out.

Fines accrue at the rate of 25 cents per day per item after the due date for students. If an email is on file, a courtesy email will be sent as a reminder of overdue items. Items are declared lost if not returned within 30 days after a due date, or on the last day of each semester. Faculty and staff do not incur overdue fines but will be responsible for payment of lost items.

Lost Materials
Items are declared lost if not returned within 30 days after a due date, or on the last day of each semester. A standard lost item fee of $60 will be placed on a student's library record and on their business office record. If items declared lost are found and returned, the overdue fine will apply. Faculty do not incur overdue fines but will be responsible for payment of lost items.

The physical collections of the library include books, periodicals, indexes, archival materials, and an African American collection. Extensive electronic resources of indexes and full-text books and periodical articles are available to students twenty-four hours a day, whether on or off campus. Contact: Collections Management Librarian at (706) 821 8361.

Archive Request Form
The Archives are located in the P. Randolph Shy Room on the second floor of the Collins-Callaway Library. The archival collections include official records, photographs, clippings, correspondence, recordings, publications, artifacts, and other materials relating to the history of Paine College, as well as some items relating to the Augusta African American community. Archives are available by appointment.

Recommendations for Purchase
Book or Journal Recommendation Form
The library welcomes suggestions for its collections. Journal orders are placed in August for the next calendar year. Books are ordered several times per semester between August and April.

InterLibrary Loan
Interlibrary Loan Request Form 

The Interlibrary Loan Service will borrow books, articles, and other materials not available from our library for Paine College faculty, staff, and students. The time allowed by the lending library is varies; it is commonly two to three weeks from the date of receipt. Journal articles may usually be retained by the requester. The library is bound by any restrictions on borrowing and/or use imposed by the lending library. The library follows copyright guidelines. Dissertations are usually not available for loan and must be purchased by the requestor. Order information can be obtained from Dissertation Abstracts.



Instructional Session Request Form 

The library provides educational opportunities in a variety of settings to meet the informational needs of the Paine College faculty, staff, and students. We offer one-on-one assistance, customized group sessions, and curriculum-based instruction. We focus on teaching the information competencies of our Information Literacy Program, but we can individualize instruction related to course needs and assignments. Group sessions will be held in a library electronic classroom. Contact: Information Curriculum Desk at 706-821-8351.


The Learning Resources Center is located on the second floor of the library and maintains multimedia resources, equipment, and instructional areas. Contact: Learning Resources Center at 706 821 8365.


Audiovisual Equipment and Laptops

AV Training Session Form

Audiovisual equipment may be checked out at the second floor Learning Resources Center Desk. Pending training, faculty and staff may check out AV equipment for 5 days. Students may checkout a laptop for use within the library building. Students may check out AV equipment by permission of a faculty or staff member, who will be responsible for lost or damaged equipment.


Audiovisual Setup or Videography

AV Copy Request Form

Requests for AV setup or videography must be requested three days in advance.  Request for copies of an event must be done online.


Computer Labs and Classrooms

Room Reservation Request Form 

The LRC includes two open computer labs, two electronic classrooms, one television room, one radio room and other labs and classrooms. The computer labs have over 45 computers loaded with commonly used software. The TV, radio and sound room contains state of the art equipment. High speed printers are networked to the computer labs.


Staging Enabled
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